Agendia touts MammaPrint clinical results

2019 04 17 00 53 3368 Dna Sequence 400

Agendia is highlighting research shared at the virtual 2021 American Society of Clinical Oncology meeting that shows its MammaPrint 70-gene signature test accurately identifies indolent, low-risk breast cancers.

The research demonstrated a higher than 99% eight-year breast cancer-specific survival rate for patients who were characterized as MammaPrint Ultra Low Risk status, no matter their clinical risk, the company said.

The research follows up on the MINDACT trial, which was sponsored by the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer and sought to determine whether MammaPrint could downgrade clinically high-risk patients with early-stage breast cancer from chemotherapy treatment. MINDACT included almost 7,000 patients and had a median follow-up of 8.7 years.

This study focused on 1,000 women with MammaPrint Ultra Low Risk status who participated in MINDACT and found they had an eight-year distant metastasis-free interval of 97%, first author Dr. Josephine Lopes Cardozo of the Netherlands Cancer Institute said in an oral presentation on June 6 at ASCO 2021.

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