Bio-Techne on Monday announced the introduction of its MitoBrilliant probes, which enable the fluorescent labeling and tracking of mitochondria in both live and fixed cells.
The MitoBrilliant probes come in two types: MitoBrilliant Live, which enables dynamic longer-term monitoring of mitochondrial membrane potential in live cells, and MitoBrilliant 646, to be used postfixation.
Additionally, MitoBrilliant 646 can be used to stain prefixed cells and tissue, meeting the demand for a mitochondrial probe that can fit into standard protocols for high-content screening and immunofluorescence, Bio-Techne said.
The dyes were developed by Tocris Bioscience, a Bio-Techne brand, using Janelia Fluor fluorescent dye technology licensed to Bio-Techne by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Janelia Research Campus.