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Blood Clots
Smartphone app, blood test may predict clotting risk
By staff writers
The test uses a smartphone's built-in vibration motor and camera to track movement of a copper particle in a drop of blood.
July 25, 2022
Revenues from coagulation lab and POC tests near $4B in 2021
Bruce Carlson
Hemostasis (coagulation) is a complex process in which multiple enzymes and proteins regulate blood flow and clot formation. Coagulation (clot formation), fibrinolysis (the breakup of blood clots), and platelet aggregation are a part of this process.
February 15, 2022
Australians develop portable fibrinogen blood test
By staff writers
Fibrinogen is a protein necessary for blood clotting, and typically in emergency situations patients must be transported to a hospital or emergency center for diagnostic testing before treatment. Using a glass slide, Teflon film, and a piece of paper, the test can be performed using a fresh whole blood sample, and it removes the need for centralized hospital equipment to detect, monitor, and treat fibrinogen levels.
November 1, 2020
Genetic testing cut adverse events in heart patients
Melissa Busch
Patients often will be prescribed the blood thinner clopidogrel to prevent blood clots after undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention procedures, which can irritate blood vessels and cause clots.
August 26, 2020
XaTek wins FDA designation for blood-clotting sensor
By staff writers
Enabled for Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, ClotChip measures a patient's profile for bleeding risk at the bedside from a single drop of blood obtained from a finger stick, according to the company. The breakthrough device designation will enable the work-in-progress sensor to receive expedited review by the FDA as a technology that could enable more effective treatment or diagnosis of life-threatening or irreversibly debilitating human disease or conditions, compared with existing approved products.
March 2, 2020
New blood test method rules out pulmonary embolism
Joseph Constance
The new approach, developed by researchers at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, and Hamilton Health Sciences, a hospital network in Hamilton, is helpful with D-dimer blood tests, which physicians utilize when trying to rule out the presence of a blood clot.
November 27, 2019
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