Hologic debuts scalable options for Panther

2020 02 05 21 57 4779 Hologic Panther 20200205213032

Hologic has launched scalable options for its Panther molecular diagnostics system that offer more flexibility and efficiency for low- to high-volume molecular testing laboratories.

The Panther system features the following:

  • Random access and full automation for molecular testing
  • An assay menu that includes tests for women's health, sexually transmitted infections, respiratory health, and viral load
  • An open-access function for laboratory-developed tests

The new scalable options include Panther Fusion, which offers an additional IVD menu, and two other features: Panther Plus, which improves test throughput, and Panther Link, which allows multiple Panther instruments to communicate with each other.

The Panther system. Image courtesy of Hologic.The Panther system. Image courtesy of Hologic.

Coming soon is Panther Trax, which will physically and electronically link Panther instruments together to increase testing volumes without increasing staff, Hologic said. The company expects to release Panther Trax later in the year.

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