ResourcesVendorsCancerAgena4755 Eastgate Mall San Diego, CA, USA 92121Latest from AgenaConsumerTop companies earn 80% of revenue in IVD marketBy Bruce CarlsonIn recent years, this group of top-tier companies has increased its ownership position of the market. At the same time, Kalorama found that there are still opportunities for new companies. Roche and Abbott are world market leaders, according to the firm's report titled "Worldwide Market for In Vitro Diagnostic Tests," published in August.September 10, 2020SalmonellaAMP highlights: Products aim to beat the clock in cancer detectionBy Bruce CarlsonNumerous innovations for cancer detection and monitoring were on display, and these often involved the mixing and matching of proven technologies, as well as speed-driven workflow boosts. Exhibits included innovations in high-speed sequencing, the detection and removal of contaminated pipettes, and protein morphologic visibility.November 10, 2019Diagnostic TechnologiesAMP lineup shows changing of the guard in molecular techBy Bruce CarlsonThe organization's annual meeting draws molecular pathologists, pharmaceutical companies, and IVD vendors. Roche, Abbott Diagnostics, Qiagen, Thermo Fisher, Quidel, and Beckman Coulter are among the vendors that will exhibit at the meeting and also run workshops and presentations. Vendor workshops on molecular pathology are described below.November 5, 2019Diagnostic TechnologiesAgena debuts PGx panel for hybrid allelesBy staff writersUp to 37% of people have CYP2D6/CYP2D7 hybrid alleles, which the company noted are not detected with most PGx tests, creating a risk for inaccurate results about drug metabolism. Testing for copy number may be done in parallel with the company's genotyping products in the same workflow, Agena said.November 3, 2019Pathology, histologyAMP, CAP show labs what they need to include in CYP2C9 testsBy Emily HayesThe recommendations set two standards for the design of laboratory tests for CYP2C9 alleles and their defining variants: Tier 1 includes the minimum alleles that experts believe should be included, while tier 2 alleles are optional -- at least for now, as the field is moving rapidly.May 12, 2019