Digital imaging system maker Vision Research said Monday that it is supplying a high-speed camera for use with Cytovale’s U.S. Food and Drug Administration-cleared IntelliSep sepsis test.
IntelliSep provides clinicians with early indication of sepsis probability to support critical time-sensitive clinical decisions and provides test results in less than 10 minutes.
The Vision Research Phantom VEO 710 high-speed camera resolves blood cells as they move through a microfluidics channel at three meters per second, requiring frame rates greater than 500,000 frames per second. The VEO 710 employs a custom complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) sensor that contributes to IntelliSep’s fast turnaround time, Vision Research said.
The firm added that its Phantom VEO high-speed cameras provide insights into many biological and biomedical events that are otherwise too fast to be seen. “They are a key enabling technology in flow cytometry,” Toni Lucatorto, product manager at Wayne, NJ-based Vision Research, said in a statement.