Eurofins, Cornell team up for blood test on COVID damage

2021 11 12 17 39 5991 Coronavirus Covid Blue 400

Eurofins Viracor recently entered into an exclusive license agreement with Cornell University to commercialize assays for clinically managing COVID-19 and transplant patients impacted by tissue damage and infections.

The Cornell University team recently developed an alternative to biopsy, a blood test to measure organ injury from COVID-19. It uses circulating cell-free DNA (cfDNA) to gauge the damage caused by COVID-19 on cells, tissues, and organs.

The company said the agreement between Eurofins and the university will expand access to a blood-based cfDNA methylation sequencing assay for early detection or prediction of major complications related to allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation. The goal is to improve the care of stem cell transplant patients.

In another application, Eurofins intends to commercialize the novel cfDNA test used to identify urinary tract infections in kidney transplant patients, as well as quantify the degree of damage to the kidney and bladder.

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