AdvaMed rallies for state health policies in 2025

Patient Payment Woman

AdvaMed has released key priorities for patient advocacy organizations and professional medical societies to push for state-level policymaking in 2025.

Called the "Patients First Agenda," the program's goals include eliminating steep out-of-pocket costs for physician-recommended breast cancer screening and diagnostics, removing cost-sharing for supplemental lung cancer imaging and diagnostics, increasing coverage for biomarker testing, ensuring opioid testing in emergency settings, providing Medicaid coverage of seizure detection devices, and reducing barriers to colorectal cancer screening, according to AdvaMed.

President and CEO Scott Whitaker said the organization plans to work with partners and state policymakers to secure adoption of the patient-focused proposals. “Access to medical technology is critical to improving the well-being of patients, and we will advocate for the policies we developed with patient groups to meet these needs," Whitaker said.

Partners such as the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network, Alzheimer’s Association, American College of Emergency Physicians, LUNGevity, Fight Colorectal Cancer, Epilepsy Foundation of America, and Brem Foundation to Defeat Breast Cancer were noted in AdvaMed's announcement.

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