Proscia and Mindpeak said on Tuesday that they are collaborating with the aim of providing integrated artificial intelligence (AI)-enabled workflows for pathologists.
The collaboration will bring together Mindpeak’s algorithms for immunohistochemistry (IHC) quantification and Proscia’s Concentriq Dx software platform, the firms said.
Mindpeak’s AI products automatically detect and measure the presence of biomarkers including HER2, Ki-67, and ER/PR for breast cancer and PD-L1 for lung cancer.
Meanwhile, Philadelphia-based Proscia has developed the Concentriq Dx digital pathology platform to enable primary diagnostic workflows for reference laboratories, hospitals, and health systems. The open platform integrates AI applications from Proscia, its customers, and third parties, including Mindpeak, into routine workflows.
“Our integrated solution will enable us to assist a larger number of pathologists and improve outcomes for even more patients,” Felix Faber, founder and CEO of Hamburg, Germany-based Mindspeak, said in a statement.