Orchard Software has partnered with Pathology and Cytology Laboratories (P&C Labs) to support P&C's implementation of digital pathology alongside Orchard's enterprise pathology laboratory information system (LIS).
Lexington, KY-based P&C Labs offers total anatomic pathology and cytopathology services including specimen transport, preparation, immunohistochemistry testing, and patient reporting. Founded in 1967, the lab now serves 48 hospitals, 1,500 in-state clients, and 1,700 national clients, according to Orchard. P&C Labs added oral and maxillofacial pathology services in 2018.
Orchard has also entered into a collaborative test-expansion partnership with Luxor Scientific Medical Laboratories, a toxicology laboratory that converted to a full-service reference lab with locations in South Carolina and Texas. Orchard Molecular supports Luxor's molecular testing operations, along with the Orchard Software LIS.
In addition, Orchard also announced availability of interface support for antimicrobial use and resistance (AUR) reporting to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN). Orchard said that it can now send the required data to electronic medical records (EMRs) to support regulatory requirements and antimicrobial stewardship endeavors. AUR is used to track antimicrobial-resistant infections and evaluate antibiotic use trends over time.