Asep Medical Holdings aims for Nasdaq listing

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Asep Medical Holdings has engaged Aegis Capital, a New York-based investment bank, as underwriter agent for a proposed listing on the Nasdaq.

The size of the public offering, the number of securities to be offered, and the offering price will be the subject of continuing negotiations between it and Aegis, Asep Medical said.

"Listing on Nasdaq would give us a unique opportunity to expand our reach and visibility in the global marketplace to address unmet medical needs, such as sepsis," Asep Medical founder, chairman, and CEO Dr. Robert Hancock said in a statement.

Asep Medical is a consolidation of three private companies with technology in development. They are Sepset Biosciences, developer of diagnostic tools to enable the early and timely identification of sepsis; ABT Innovations, developer of broad-spectrum therapeutic agents to address multidrug-resistant biofilm infections; and SafeCoat Medical, developer of a technology for antibacterial peptide medical device coatings.

Sepset Biosciences is in the final stages of preparation of clinical studies aimed at the commercialization of a diagnostic test. The test leverages gene expression to predict the development of severe sepsis, a medical condition that contributes to antimicrobial resistance partly because of the over-prescription of inappropriate antibiotics.

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